Cheng Qi received the BSEE (14) and MSEE (15) degrees from Tianjin University and Georgia Institute of Technology. In 2015, he joins the Propagation Group at Georgia Tech as a Graduate Research Assistant, where he is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree. His research focuses on antenna design, RFID system design, long-range backscatter communication, space solar power harvesting, and RFID localization technology. He has authored or co-authored more than 7 technical papers and presented his work in multiple international conferences. He has received the best student paper award for the article presented in the IEEE RFID-TA Conference (2018). He is a recipient of William C. Brown Fellowship (2017), a winner of the People’s Choice Award in NSF Innovation Corps program (2018) in San Francisco, and a winner of first place Ph.D. mentor in Opportunity Research Scholar (ORS) program at Georgia Tech (2018). He has served as a poster session chair and a technical program committee member for IEEE RFID conference.